Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. bad                    2. sick                  
1. ill \'il\ \'w*rs\ \'w*rst\ aj or worse;  or worst [ME, fr. ON illr] 
   chiefly Scot  1a: IMMORAL, VICIOUS  1b: showing or implying evil intention 
   {~ deeds}  2a: causing suffering or distress {~ weather}  2b1: not normal 
   or sound {~ health}  2b2: not in good health; also : NAUSEATED  3a: not 
   suited to circumstances or not to one's advantage : UNLUCKYM {~ omen} 3b: 
   involving difficulty : HARD {an ~ man to please}  4a: not meeting an 
   accepted standard {~ manners}  archaic  4b: notably unskillful or 
   inefficient  5a: UNFRIENDLY, HOSTILE {~ feeling}  5b: HARSH, CRUEL {~ 
2. ill av or worse;  or worst 1a: with displeasure or hostility  1b: in a 
   harsh manner  1c: so as to reflect unfavorably  2: in a reprehensible 
   manner  3: HARDLY, SCARCELY  4a: BADLY, UNLUCKILY  4b: in a faulty or 
   inefficient manner 
3. ill n 1: the reverse of good : EVIL  2a: MISFORTUNE, DISTRESS  2b1: 
   AILMENT, SICKNESS  2b2: something that disturbs or afflicts : TROUBLE  3: 
   something that reflects unfavorably