Webster's English Dictionary

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1. han.dle \'han-d*l\ \-d*ld\ n [ME handel, fr. OE handle; akin to OE hand] 
   1: a part that is designed esp. to be grasped by the hand  2: something 
   that resembles a handle  slang  3: NAME  4: the feel of a textile  5: the 
   total amount of money bet on a race, game, or event  : into a state of 
   sudden and violent anger  - han.dled aj
2. handle \'han-(d)lin, -d*l-in\ vb or han.dling 1a: to touch, hold, or 
   otherwise affect with the hand  1b: to manage with the hands {~ a horse}  
   2a: to deal with in writing or speaking or in the plastic arts  2b: 
   CONTROL, DIRECT  2c: to train and act as second for (a prizefighter)  3: to 
   deal with, act on, or dispose of {~ the day's mail}  4: to trade in  : to 
   act, behave, or feel in a certain way when handled or directed {ca r that 
   ~s well}ly or effectively. HANDLE implies directing an acquired skill to 
   the accomplishment of immediate ends; MANIPULATE implies adroit handling 
   and often suggests the use of craft or of fraud; WIELD implies mastery and 
   vigor in handling a tool or a weapon, or in exerting influence, authority, 
   or power SYN syn HANDLE, MANIPULATE, WIELD mean to manage dexterous