Webster's English Dictionary

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1. rack.et also rac.quet \'rak-*t\ n also racquets [MF raquette, fr. Ar 
   ra-hsub-dot>ah palm of the hand] 1a: a light bat that consists of a netting 
   (as of nylon) stretched in an ov al open frame and that is used for 
   striking the ball in tennis and similar games 1b: a small round paddle with 
   a short handle used in table tennis  2: usu  pl but sing in constr  2: a 
   game for two or four played with ball and racket on a four-walled cour t
2. racket n [prob. imit.] 1: confused clattering noise : CLAMOR  2a: social 
   whirl or excitement  2b: the strain of exciting or trying experiences  3a: 
   a fraudulent scheme, enterprise, or activity  3b: a usu. illegitimate 
   enterprise made workable by bribery or intimidation  3c: an easy and 
   lucrative means of livelihood  slang  3d: OCCUPATION, BUSINESS 
3. racket vi 1: to engage in active social life  2: to move with or make a 