Webster's English Dictionary

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1. plump \'pl*mp\ vb [ME plumpen, of imit. origin] 1: to drop, sink, or 
   come in contact suddenly or heavily  2: to favor someone or something 
   strongly - used with for  1: to drop, cast, or place suddenly or heavily  
   2: to give support and favorable publicity to 
2. plump av 1: with a sudden or heavy drop  2a: straight down  2b: straight 
3. plump n : a sudden plunge, fall, or blow; also : the sound made by such 
   an  act
4. plump n [ME plumpe] chiefly dial  : GROUP, FLOCK 
5. plump aj [ME, dull, blunt] 1: having a full rounded usu. pleasing form  
   2: AMPLE 
6. plump vt : to make plump to become plump