Webster's English Dictionary

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2. tide \'ti-d\ n [ME, time, fr. OE ti-d; akin to OHG zi-t time, Gk 
   daiestha]i to divide obs  1a: a space of time : PERIOD  1b: a fit or 
   opportune time : OPPORTUNITY  1c: an ecclesiastical anniversary or festival 
   or its season  2a1: the alternate rising and falling of the surface of the 
   ocean and of wa ter bodies (as gulfs and bays) connected with the ocean 
   that occurs twice a day and is caused by the gravitational attraction of 
   the sun and moon occurring unequally on different parts of the earth 2a2: a 
   less marked rising and falling of an inland body of water  2b: FLOOD TIDE  
   3: something that fluctuates like the tides of the sea : VICISSITUDEM 4a: a 
   flowing stream : CURRENT  4b: the waters of the ocean  4c: flood waters : 
   the overflow of a flooding stream 
2. tide vi 1: to flow as or in a tide : SURGE  2: to drift with the tide 
   esp. in navigating a ship into or out of an anch orage, harbor, or river 
   1a: to cause to float with the tide  1b: to enable to surmount or endure a 
   difficulty - used with over  {the gift tided him over} {money to ~ him over 
   the emergency} 2: to proceed along (one's way) by taking advantage of tides 
3. tide vi [ME tiden, fr. OE ti-dan; akin to MD tiden to go, come, OE] ti-d 
   time archaic  : BETIDE, BEFALL