Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. appropriate           
usurp \yu.-'s*rp, -'z*rp\ \.yu:-s*r-'pa--sh*n, .yu:-z*r-\ \yu.-'s*r-p*r, 
   -'z*r-\ vb [ME usurpen, fr. MF usurper, fr. L usurpare, lit., to take 
   po]ssession of by use, fr. usu (abl. of usus use) + rapere to seize - more 
   at RAPID : to seize and hold (as office, place, powers) in possession by 
   force or  without right {~ a throne} : to seize or exercise authority or 
   possession wrongfully  - usur.pa.tion n