Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. practice              
1. ex.er.cise \'ek-s*r-.si-z\ n [ME, fr. MF exercice, fr. L exercitium, fr. 
   exercitus, pp. of] exerce-re to drive on, keep busy, fr. ex- + arce-re to 
   enclose, hold off - more at ARK 1a: the act of bringing into play or 
   realizing in action : USE  1b: the discharge of an official function or 
   professional occupation  2a: regular or repeated appropriate use of a 
   faculty, power, or bodily orga n 2b: bodily exertion for the sake of 
   developing and maintaining physical fit ness 3: something performed or 
   practiced in order to develop, improve, or displa y a specific power or 
   skill 4a: a maneuver, operation, or drill carried out for training and 
   discipline  pl  4b: a program including speeches, announcements of awards 
   and honors, and v arious traditional practices of secular or religious 
2. exercise vt 1: to bring to bear : EXERT {~ influence}  2a: to use 
   repeatedly in order to strengthen or develop  2b: to train (as troops) by 
   drills and maneuvers  2c: to put through exercises  3a: to engage the 
   attention and effort of  3b: to cause anxiety, alarm, or indignation in  : 
   to take exercise  - ex.er.cis.er n