Webster's English Dictionary

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1. util.i.ty \yu.-'til-*t-e-\ n [ME utilite, fr. MF utilite`, fr. L 
   utilitat-, utilitasX, fr. utilis useful, fr. uti to use 1: the quality or 
   state of being useful : USEFULNESS  2: something useful or designed for use 
    3a: PUBLIC UTILITY  3b1: a service provided by a public utility (as light, 
   power, or water)  3b2: equipment or a piece of equipment to provide such 
   service or a similar  service
2. utility aj 1: capable of serving as a substitute in various roles or 
   positions {@ infielder} 2a: kept for the production of a useful product 
   rather than for show or as  pets 2b: being of a usable but inferior grade 
   {~ beef}  3: serving primarily for utility rather than beauty : UTILITARIAN 
    4: designed for general use