Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. swerve                
1. veer \'vi(*)r\ vt [ME veren, of LG or D origin; akin to MD vieren to 
   slacken, MLG ]vi-ren : to let or pay out (as a rope or anchor chain) 
2. veer \-in-le-\ vb [MF virer, prob. of Celt origin; akin to OIr fiar 
   oblique; akin to]OE wi-r wire 1: to change direction or course  of the wind 
    2: to shift in a clockwise direction  3: to wear ship  : to direct to a 
   different course; specif : WEAR  - veer.ing.ly av
3. veer n : a change in course or direction