Webster's English Dictionary

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1. wal.low \'wa:l-(.)o-, -*(-w)\ \'wa:l-*-w*r\ vi [ME walwen, fr. OE 
   wealwian to roll - more at VOLUBLE] 1: to roll oneself about in an indolent 
   or ungainly manner  2: to billow forth : SURGE  3: to devote oneself 
   entirely; esp : to take unrestrained pleasure  : DELIGHT 4a: to become 
   abundantly supplied  4b: to indulge oneself immoderately {~ing in luxury}  
   5: to become helpless  - wal.low.er n
2. wallow n 1: an act or instance of wallowing  2a: a muddy area or one 
   filled with dust used by animals for wallowing  2b: a depression formed by 
   or as if by the wallowing of animals  3: a state of degradation or 