Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dust \'d*st\ \-l*s\ \-.li-k\ n [ME, fr. OE du-st; akin to L furere to 
   rage, Gk thyein] 1: fine dry pulverized particles of earth or other matter  
   2: the particles into which something disintegrates  3a: something 
   worthless  3b: a state of humiliation  4a: the earth esp. as a place of 
   burial  4b: the surface of the ground  5a: a cloud of dust  5b: CONFUSION, 
   DISTURBANCE  archaic  6: a single particle (as of earth)  Brit  7: 
   sweepings or other refuse ready for collection  - dust.less aj
2. dust vt archaic  1: to make dusty  2a: to make free of dust  2b: to 
   prepare to use again  3a: to sprinkle with fine particles  3b: to sprinkle 
   in the form of dust  of a bird  1: to work dust into the feathers  2: to 
   remove dust  3: to give off dust