1. sweep \'swe-p\ \'swept\ vb or swept; or sweep.ing [ME swepen; akin to
OT swa-pan to sweep - more at SWOOP] 1a: to remove from a surface with or
as if with a broom or brush 1b: to remove or take with a single continuous
forceful action 1c: to drive or carry along with irresistible force 2a:
to clean with or as if with a broom or brush 2b: to clear by repeated and
forcible action 2c: to move across or along swiftly, violently, or
overwhelmingly 2d: to win an overwhelming victory in or on {~ the
elections} 3: to touch in passing with a swift continuous movement 4: to
trace the outline of (a curve) 5: to cover the entire range of 1a: to
clean a surface with or as if with a broom 1b: to move swiftly,
forcefully, or devastatingly 2: to go with stately or sweeping movements
3: to move or extend in a wide curve or range - sweep.er n
2. sweep n 1: something that sweeps or works with a sweeping motion : as
1a: a long pole or timber pivoted on a tall post and used to raise and lowe
r a bucket in a well 1b: a triangular cultivator blade that cuts off weeds
under the soil surfac e 1c: a windmill sail 2a: an instance of sweeping;
specif : a clearing out or away with o r as if with a broom 2b: the removal
from the table in one play in casino of all the cards by pa iring or
combining 2c: an overwhelming victory 2d: a winning of all the contests or
prizes in a competition 3a: a movement of great range and force 3b: a
curving or circular course or line 3c: the compass of a sweeping movement
: SCOPE 3d: a broad extent 4: CHIMNEY SWEEP 5: SWEEPSTAKES