Webster's English Dictionary

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1. worst \'w*rst\ aj [ME werste, worste, fr. OE wierresta, wyrsta, superl. 
   o] superlative of BAD or of ILL f the root of OE wiersa worse 1: most bad, 
   evil, ill, or corrupt  2a: most unfavorable, unpleasant, or painful  2b: 
   most unsuitable, faulty, unattractive, or ill-conceived  2c: least skillful 
   or efficient  3: most wanting in quality, value, or condition 
2. worst n 1: one that is worst  2: the greatest degree of ill or badness 
3. worst av superlative of ILL or ILLY or of BAD Xor BADLY : to the extreme 
   degree of badness or inferiority : in the worst manner 
4. worst vt : to get the better of : DEFEAT