Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. fragile                2. incisive              
1. crisp \krisp\ aj [ME, fr. OE, fr. L crispus; akin to L curvus curved - 
   more at ]CROWN 1a: CURLY, WAVY; also : having close stiff or wiry cur ls or 
   waves 1b: having the surface roughened into small folds or curling wrinkles 
    2a: easily crumbled : BRITTLE  of pastry  2b: SHORT  2c: being firm and 
   fresh {~ lettuce}  3a: being sharp, clean-cut, and clear {a ~ illustration} 
    3b: noticeably neat  3c: SPRIGHTLY, LIVELY  3d: FROSTY, SNAPPY; also : 
   FRESH, INVIGORATIN G - crisp.ly av
2. crisp vt 1: CURL, CRIMP  2: to cause to ripple : WRINKLE  3: to make or 
   keep crisp  1: CURL  2: RIPPLE  3: to become crisp  - crisp.er n
3. crisp n 1: something crisp or brittle  chiefly Brit  2: POTATO CHIP