1. or ar.res.tor \*-'rest\ \-'res-t*r\ \-'res(t)-m*nt\ vt [ME
aresten, fr. MF arester to rest, arrest, fr. (assumed) VL ar]restare, fr. L
ad- + restare to remain, rest 1a: to bring to a stop 1b: CHECK, SLOW 1c:
to make inactive 2: SEIZE, CAPTURE; specif : to take or keep in custody
by authority of law 3: to catch suddenly and hold for a while - ar.res.ter
2. arrest n 1a: the act of stopping : CHECK 1b: the condition of being
stopped 2a: SEIZURE 2b: the taking or detaining in custody by authority
of law 3: a device for arresting motion