Webster's English Dictionary

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1. slow \'slo-\ aj [ME, fr. OE sla-w; akin to OHG sle-o dull, Skt 
   sre-vaya]ti he causes to fail 1a: mentally dull : STUPID  1b: naturally 
   inert or sluggish  2a: lacking in readiness, promptness, or willingness  
   2b: not hasty or precipitate  3a: moving, flowing, or proceeding without 
   speed or at less than usual spe ed 3b: exhibiting or marked by retarded 
   speed  3c: not acute  3d: LOW, GENTLE {~ fire}  4: requiring a long time : 
   GRADUAL  5: having qualities that hinder or stop rapid progress or action  
   6a: registering behind or below what is correct  6b: less than the time 
   indicated by another method of reckoning  6c: that is behind the time at a 
   specified time or place  7: lacking in life, animation, or gaiety : BORING  
   - slow.ly av
2. slow av : SLOWLY 
3. slow vt : to make slow or slower : RETARD to go slower  SYN syn seeDELAY