Webster's English Dictionary

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aware \*-'wa(*)r, -'we(*)r\ aj [ME iwar, fr. OE gewr, fr. ge- 
   (associative prefix)]+ wr wary - more at CO-, WARY archaic  1: 
   WATCHFUL  2: having or showing realization, perception, or knowledge AKE: 
   AWARE implies vigilance in observing or alertness in drawing inferences 
   from what one sees or hears or learns; COGNIZANT implies having special or 
   certain knowledge as from firsthand sources; CONSCIOUS implies having an 
   awareness of the present existence of something; it may suggest a 
   dominating realization or even preoccupation; SENSIBLE implies direct or 
   intuitive perceiving esp. of intangibles or of emotional states or 
   qualities; ALIVE adds to SENSIBLE the implication of acute sensitiveness to 
   something; AWAKE implies that one has become alive to something and is on 
   the alert - aware.ness n SYN syn COGNIZANT, CONSCIOUS, SENSIBLE, ALIVE, AW