Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bar.row \'bar-(.)o-, -*(-w)\ n [ME bergh, fr. OE beorg; akin to OHG berg 
   mountain, Skt br]hant high 1: MOUNTAIN, MOUND - used only in the names of 
   hills in Engla nd 2: a large mound of earth or stones over the remains of 
   the dead : TUM ULUS
2. barrow n [ME barow, fr. OE bearg; akin to OHG barug barrow, OE bori]an 
   to bore : a male hog castrated before sexual maturity 
3. barrow n [ME barew, fr. OE bearwe; akin to OE beran to carry - more]at 
   BEAR 1a: HANDBARROW  1b: WHEELBARROW  2: a cart with a shallow box body, 
   two wheels, and shafts for pushing it