Cross references:
1. catch
1. bag \'bag\ n [ME bagge, fr. ON baggi] 1: a flexible usu. closed
container for holding, storing, or carrying somet hing : as 1a: PURSE; esp
: HANDBAG 1b: a bag for game 1c: SUITCASE 2: something resembling a bag
: as 2a: a pouched or pendulous bodily part or organ; esp : UDDER 2b: a
puffed-out sag or bulge in cloth 2c: a square white canvas container to
mark a base in baseball 3: the amount contained in a bag 4a1: a quantity
of game taken 4a2: the maximum quantity of game permitted by law 4b:
SPOILS 4c: a group of persons or things slang 5: a slovenly unattractive
woman : SURE, CERTAIN - in the bag
2. bag vb or bagged; or bag.ging 1: to swell out : BULGE 2: to hang
loosely 1: to cause to swell 2: to put into a bag 3a: to take (animals)
as game 3b: to get possession of 3c: CAPTURE, SEIZE; also : to shoot down