Cross references:
1. deplete
1. bank.rupt \'ban-(.)kr*pt\ n [modif. of MF & OIt; MF banqueroute, fr. OIt
bancarotta, fr. ban]ca bank + rotta broken, fr. L rupta, fem. of ruptus,
pp. of rumpere to break - more at BANK, REAVE 1a: a person who has done any
of the acts that by law entitle his creditors to have his estate
administered for their benefit 1b: a person judicially declared subject to
have his estate administered un der the bankrupt laws for the benefit of
his creditors 1c: a person who becomes insolvent 2: one who is destitute
of a particular thing
2. bankrupt vt : to reduce to bankruptcy
3. bankrupt aj 1a: reduced to a state of financial ruin : IMPOVERISHED;
specif : legally declared a bankrupt 1b: of or relating to bankrupts or
bankruptcy {~ laws} 2a: BROKEN, RUINED {a ~ professional career} 2b: