1. browse \'brau.z\ n [prob. modif. of MF brouts, pl of brout sprout, fr.
OF brost,] of Gmc origin; akin to OS brustian to sprout; akin to OE bre-ost
breast 1: tender shoots, twigs, and leaves of trees and shrubs fit for food
for ca ttle 2: an act or instance of browsing
2. browse vt or vi 1a: to consume as browse 1b: GRAZE 2: to look over
casually : SKIM 1a: to feed on or as if on browse 1b: GRAZE 2a: to skim
a book reading random passages 2b: to look over books esp. in order to
select one to read 2c: to casually inspect goods offered for sale - n