1. ten.der \'ten-d*r\ aj [ME, fr. OF tendre, fr. L tener] 1a: having a soft
or yielding texture : easily broken, cut, or damaged :: DELICATE, FRAGILE
{~ feet} 1b: easily chewed : SUCCULENT 2a: physically weak : not able to
endure hardship 2b: IMMATURE, YOUNG {children of ~ years} 2c: incapable
of resisting cold 3: marked by, responding to, or expressing the softer
emotions : FOND , LOVING {a ~ lover} 4a: showing care : CONSIDERATE,
SOLICITOUS 4b: highly susceptible to impressions or emotions :
IMPRESSIONABLE {a ~ conscience} 5a: appropriate or conducive to a delicate
or sensitive constitution or ch aracter : GENTLE, MILD {~ breeding ~ irony}
5b: delicate or soft in quality or tone obs 6: DEAR, PRECIOUS 7a:
sensitive to touch or palpation 7b: sensitive to injury or insult : TOUCHY
7c: demanding careful and sensitive handling : TICKLISH of a ship 7d:
inclined to heel over easily under sail - ten.der.ly av
2. tender \-d(*-)rin\ vb or ten.der.ing 1: to make tender : SOFTEN, WEAKEN
archaic 2: to regard or treat with tenderness : to become tender
3. tender n [1tender] obs : CONSIDERATION, REGARD
4. tend.er \'ten-d*r\ n : one that tends or takes care : as : a ship
employed to attend other ships (as to supply provisions) : a boat or small
steamer for communication between shore and a larger s hip : a warship that
provides logistic support : a vehicle attached to a locomotive for
carrying a supply of fuel and wa ter
5. ten.der n [MF tendre to stretch, stretch out, offer - more at TEND] 1:
an unconditional offer of money or service in satisfaction of a debt or
obligation made to save a penalty or forfeiture for nonpayment or
nonperformance 2: an offer or proposal made for acceptance; specif : an
offer of a bid for a contract 3: something that may be offered in payment;
specif : MONEY
6. ten.der \-d(*-)rin\ vt or ten.der.ing 1: to make a tender of {~ the
amount of rent} 2: to present for acceptance : PROFFER {~ed his resi