Webster's English Dictionary

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1. read \'re-d\ \'red\ \'re-d-in\ \.re-d-*-'bil-*t-e-\ \'re-d-*-b*l\ 
   \-ble-\ vb or read;  or read.ing [ME reden to advise, interpret, read, fr. 
   OE r-dan; aki]n to OHG ra-tan to advise, Gk arariskein to fit - more 
   at ARM 1a1: to receive or take in the sense of (as letters or symbols) by 
   scannin g 1a2: to study the movements of (as lips) with mental formulation 
   of the co mmunication expressed 1a3: to utter aloud the printed or written 
   words of {~ them a stor y} 1a4: to understand the meaning of (written or 
   printed matter)  1b: to learn from what one has seen or found in writing or 
   printing  1c: to deliver aloud by or as if by reading; specif : to utter 
   int erpretively 1d1: to become acquainted with or look over the contents of 
   (as a book) :: PERUSE 1d2: to make a study of {~ law}  1e1: COPYREAD  1e2: 
   PROOFREAD  1f: to receive and understand (a voice message) by radio  2a: to 
   interpret the meaning or significance of {~ palms}  2b: FORETELL, PREDICT  
   3: to discover by interpreting outward expression or signs  4a: to 
   attribute a meaning or interpretation to (something read)  4b: to attribute 
   (a meaning) to something read or considered  5: to use as a substitute for 
   or in preference to another word or phrase i n a particular passage, text, 
   or version {~ hurry for harry} 6: INDICATE {thermometer ~s zero}  7: to 
   interpret (a musical work) in performance  1a: to perform the act of 
   reading words  1b1: to learn something by reading  1b2: to pursue a course 
   of study  2a: to yield a particular meaning or impression when read  2b: to 
   have qualities that affect comprehension or enjoyment  3: to consist of 
   specific words, phrases, or other similar elements {a p assage ~s 
   differently in older versions} : to understand more than is directly stated 
    1: to order a mob to disperse  2a: to order or warn to cease something  
   2b: to protest vehemently  2c: to reprimand severely  - read.abil.i.ty n
2. read \'re-d\ n chiefly Brit  : a period of reading 
3. read \'red\ aj : instructed by or informed through reading