1. bu.gle \'byu:-g*l\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. LL bugula] : any of a genus
(Ajuga) of plants of the mint family; esp : a European annual (A. reptans)
with spikes of blue flowers naturalized in the U.S
2. bugle n [ME, buffalo, instrument made fr. a buffalo horn, bugle, fr. OF,
fr. L bucul]us, dim. of bos head of cattle - more at COW : a brass
instrument with a cupped mouthpiece like the trumpet but having a shorter
and more conical tube
3. bugle \-g(*-)lin\ \-gl*r\ vb or bu.gling : to sound or summon by or as
if by a bugle call : to sound a bugle - bu.gler n
4. bugle n [perh. fr. 2bugle] : a small cylindrical bead of glass or
plastic used for trimming esp. on w omen's clothing - bugle aj