Webster's English Dictionary

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1. trum.pet \'tr*m-p*t\ n [ME trompette, fr. MF, fr. OF trompe trump] 1a: a 
   wind instrument consisting of a long cylindrical metal tube commonly  once 
   or twice curved and ending in a bell 1b: a metal wind instrument (as the 
   cornet) similar in shape and method of  tone production to the trumpet 2: a 
   trumpet player  3: something that resembles a trumpet or its tonal quality 
   : as  3a: an 8-foot pipe-organ reed stop with a penetrating tone  3b: a 
   funnel-shaped instrument (as a megaphone or a diaphragm horn) for col 
   lecting, directing, or intensifying sound 3c1: a stentorian voice  3c2: a 
   penetrating cry (as of an elephant) 
2. trumpet vi 1: to blow a trumpet  2: to make a sound suggestive of that 
   of a trumpet  : to sound or proclaim on or as if on a trumpet