Webster's English Dictionary

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1. but.ton \'b*t-*n\ n [ME boton, fr. MF, fr. OF, fr. boter to thrust] 
   often attrib  1: a small knob or disk secured to an article and used as a 
   fastener by pas sing it through a buttonhole or loop 2: something that 
   resembles a button : as  2a: any of various parts of a plant or of an 
   animal  2b: a small globule of metal remaining after fusion  2c: a guard on 
   the tip of a fencing foil  slang  3a: the point of the chin  pl  3b: WITS 
2. but.ton \'b*t-*n\ \'b*t-nin, -*n-in\ \-n*r, -*n-*r\ vb or but.ton.ing 1: 
   to furnish or decorate with buttons  2: to close or fasten with buttons  : 
   to have buttons for fastening  - but.ton.er n