Cross references:
1. frustrate
1. foil \'fo.i(*)l\ vt [ME foilen to trample, full cloth, fr. MF fouler -
more at FUL]L obs 1: TRAMPLE 2a: to prevent from attaining an end :
DEFEAT 2b: to bring to naught
2. foil n archaic 1: DEFEAT archaic 2: the track or trail of an animal
3a: a fencing weapon with a flat guard and a light flexible blade tapering
to a blunt point pl 3b: the art or practice of fencing with foils
3. foil n [ME, fr. MF foille (fr. L folia, pl. of folium) & foil,] fr. L
folium - more at BLADE 1: a plant leaf - used in compounds 2a: an
indentation between cusps in Gothic tracery 2b: one of several arcs that
enclose a complex figure 3a: very thin sheet metal 3b: a thin coat of tin
or silver laid on the back of a mirror 4: a thin piece of metal or other
material put under a paste or inferior st one to add color or brilliancy 5:
one that serves as a contrast to another
4. foil vt 1: to back or cover with foil 2: to enhance by contrast