1. ar.ti.cle \'a:rt-i-k*l\ n [ME, fr. L articulus joint, division, dim. of
artus joint; akin to]Gk arariskein to fit - more at ARM 1a: a distinct
often numbered section of a writing 1b: a separate clause 1c: a
stipulation in a contract or a creed 1d: a nonfictional prose composition
usu. forming an independent portion of a publication 2: an item of
business : MATTER 3: any of a small set of words or affixes (as a, an,
the) used with nouns to limit or give definiteness to their application 4:
a member of a class of things; esp : a piece of goods : COM MODITY
2. article \-k(*-)lin\ vt or ar.ti.cling : to bind by articles (as of