Webster's English Dictionary

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1. can.non \'kan-*n\ n or cannons or cannon or can.on [MF canon, fr. It 
   cannone, lit., large tube, aug. of canna, r] [alter. of carom] pl eed- more 
   at CANE pl usu cannon  : an  1a: artillery peice : big gun  1b: a 
   heavy-caliber automatic aircraft gun firing explosive shells  2: a smooth 
   round horse bit  3: the projecting part of a bell by which it is hung : ear 
    Brit  4: a carom in billiards and bagatelle  5: the part of the leg in 
   which the cannon bone is found 
2. cannon vi 1: to discharge cannon  Brit  2: to carom in billiards  1: 
   CANNONADE  Brit  2: to carom into