Cross references:
1. position
1. post \'po-st\ n [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG pfosto post; both fr. a
prehistoric WGmc word bo]rrowed fr. L postis; akin to Gk pro before and to
Gk histasthai to stand - more at FOR, STAND 1: a piece of timber or metal
fixed firmly in an upright position esp. as a stay or support : PILLAR,
COLUMN 2: a pole or stake set up to mark or indicate something
2. post vt 1: to affix to a usual place (as a wall) for public notices :
PLACARD 2a: to publish, announce, or advertise by or as if by use of a
placard 2b: to denounce by public notice 2c: to enter on a public listing
2d: to forbid (property) to trespassers under penalty of legal prosecution
by notices placed along the boundaries 2e: SCORE
3. post n [MF poste relay station, courier, fr. OIt posta relay station,
fr.]fem. of posto, pp. of porre to place, fr. L ponere - more at POSITION
obs 1: COURIER archaic 2a: one of a series of stations for keeping
horses for relays 2b: the distance between any two such consecutive
stations : STAGE chiefly Brit 3a: a nation's organization for handling
mail; also : the mail hand led 3b: a single dispatch of mail 3c: POST
4. post vi 1: to travel with post-horses 2: to ride or travel with haste :
HURRY archaic 1: to dispatch in haste 2: MAIL 3a: to transfer or carry
from a book of original entry to a ledger 3b: to make transfer entries in
4: to make familiar with a subject
5. post av : with post-horses : EXPRESS
6. post n [MF poste, fr. OIt posto, fr. pp. of porre to place] 1a: the
place at which a soldier is stationed; esp : a sentry's bea t or station
1b: a station or task to which anyone is assigned 1c: the place at which a
body of troops is stationed : CAMP 1d: a local subdivision of a veterans'
organization 1e: one of two bugle calls sounded at tattoo (as in the
British Army) 2: an office or position to which a person is appointed 3a:
TRADING POST, SETTLEMENT 3b: a trading station on the floor of a stock
7. post vt 1a: to station in a given place 1b: to carry ceremoniously to a
position {~ing the colors} 2: to put up (as bond)