Webster's English Dictionary

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1. chis.el \'chiz-*l\ n [ME, fr. ONF, prob. alter. of chisoir goldsmith's 
   chisel, fr. (assumed) V]L caesorium cutting instrument, fr. L caesus, pp. 
   or caedere to cut - more at CONCISE : a metal tool with a cutting edge at 
   the end of a blade used in dressing,  shaping, or working a solid material 
   (as wood, stone, or metal)
2. chisel \'chiz-(*-)lin\ \'chiz-(*-)l*r\ vb or chis.eled or chis.elled;  
   or chis.el.ing;  or chis.el.ling 1: to cut or work with or as if with a 
   chisel  2: CHEAT  1: to work with a chisel  2a: to employ shrewd sometimes 
   unfair practices  2b: INTRUDE {~ in on the racket}  - chis.el.er n