Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. use                   
1. em.ploy \im-'plo.i\ vt [ME emploien, fr. MF emploier, fr. L implicare to 
   enfold, inv]olve, implicate, fr. in- + plicare to fold - more at PLY 1a: to 
   make use of  1b: to occupy (as time) advantageously  1c1: to use or engage 
   the service of  1c2: to provide with a job that pays wages or a salary  2: 
   to devote to or direct toward a particular activity or person ses the use 
   of a person's services; HIRE stresses the act of engaging a person's 
   services for pay SYN syn EMPLOY, HIRE mean to engage for work. EMPLOY stres 
2. employ n archaic  1a: USE  1b: OCCUPATION  2: the state of being 
   employed esp. for wages or a salary