Cross references:
1. money
1. co.lon \'ko--l*n\ \-l*\ \ko--'la:n-ik\ n or colons or [L, fr. Gk
kolon] pl : the part of the large intestine that extends from the cecum to
the rectu m - co.lon.ic aj
2. colon \-l*\ n or or colons [L, part of a poem, fr. Gk ko-lon limb,
part of a strophe - more at]CALK pl 1: a rhythmical unit of an utterance;
specif, in Greek or Latin ve rse : a system or series of from two to not
more than six feet having a principal accent and forming part of a line pl
2: a punctuation mark : used chiefly to direct attention to matter that fol
lows (as a list, explanation, or quotation)
2. co.lon \', k*-'lo-n\ n [L colonus] : a colonial farmer
4. co.lon \k*-'lo-n\ \-'\ n or co.lo.nes [Sp colo'n] pl