Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. element               
1. cop.per \'ka:p-*r\ \'ka:p-(*-)re-\ n [ME coper, fr. OE; akin to OHG 
   kupfar copper; both fr. a prehistori] often attrib c WGmc-NGmc word 
   borrowed fr. LL cuprum copper, fr. L (aes) Cyprium, lit., Cyprian metal 1: 
   a common reddish chiefly univalent and bivalent metallic element that is  
   ductile and malleable and one of the best conductors of heat and 
   electricity 2: a coin or token made of copper or bronze  chiefly Brit  3: a 
   large boiler (as for cooking)  4: any of various small butterflies (family 
   Lycaenidae) with copper-colored  wings - cop.pery aj
2. copper \'ka:p-(*-)rin\ vt or cop.per.ing 1: to coat or sheathe with or 
   as if with copper  2a: to bet against (as in faro)  2b: HEDGE 
3. copper n [2cop] : POLICEMAN