Webster's English Dictionary

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1. hedge \'hej\ n [ME hegge, fr. OE hecg; akin to OE haga hedge, hawthorn, 
   L Xcolum sieve 1a: a fence or boundary formed by a dense row of shrubs or 
   low trees  1b: BARRIER, LIMIT  2: a means of protection or defense (as 
   against financial loss)  3: a calculatedly noncommittal statement 
2. hedge vt 1: to enclose or protect with or as if with a hedge : ENCIRCLE  
   2: to hem in or obstruct with or as if with a barrier : HINDER  3: to 
   protect oneself from losing by a counterbalancing transaction {@ a bet} 1: 
   to plant, form, or trim a hedge  2: to evade the risk of commitment esp. by 
   leaving open a way of retreat :: TRIM 3a: to protect oneself financially; 
   specif : to buy or sell commod ity futures as a protection against loss due 
   to price fluctuation 3b: to minimize the risk of a bet  - hedg.er n
3. hedge aj 1: of, relating to, or designed for a hedge  2: born, living, 
   or made near or as if near hedges : ROADSIDE  3: INFERIOR