Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pro.gram or pro.gramme \'pro--.gram, -gr*m\ n [F programme agenda, 
   public notice, fr. Gk programma, fr. progra] [LL programma, fr. Gk]phein to 
   write before, fr. pro- before + graphein to write - more at CARVE 1: a 
   public notice  2a: a brief outline of the order to be pursued or the 
   subjects embraced (as  in a public entertainment) 2b: the performance of a 
   program; esp : a performance broadcast on  radio or television 3a: a plan 
   of procedure  3b: a proposed project or scheme  3c: a comprehensive 
   schedule  4: PROSPECTUS, SYLLABUS  5: a printed bill, card, or booklet 
   giving a program; specif : a da nce order 6a: a plan for the programming of 
   a mechanism (as a computer)  6b: a sequence of coded instructions for 
   insertion into a mechanism (as a c omputer) 7: matter for programmed 
2. program also programme vt also pro.grammed or pro.gramed;  or 
   pro.gram.ming;  or pro.gram.ing 1a: to arrange or furnish a program of or 
   for : BILL  1b: to enter a program  2: to work out a sequence of operations 
   to be performed by (a mechanism)  3: to insert a program for (a particular 
   action) into a mechanism  - pro.gram.mer n