Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. strange               
odd \'a:d\ aj [ME odde, fr. ON oddi point of land, triangle, odd number; 
   akin to]OE ord point of a weapon 1a: being without a corresponding mate {an 
   ~ shoe}  1b1: left over after others are paired or grouped  1b2: separated 
   from a set or series  2a: somewhat more than the indicated approximate 
   quantity, extent, or degr ee 2b1: left over as a remainder  2b2: 
   constituting a small amount  3a: being one of the sequence of natural 
   numbers beginning with one and co unting by twos that are not divisible by 
   two 3b: marked by an odd number  4: apart from what is regular, expected, 
   or planned  5: having an out-of-the-way location : REMOTE  6: differing 
   markedly from the usual or ordinary or accepted : PECULI AR - odd.ly av