Webster's English Dictionary

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schol.ar \'ska:l-*r\ n [ME scoler, fr. OE scolere & OF escoler, fr. ML 
   scholaris)X, fr. LL, of a school, fr. L schola school 1: one who attends a 
   school or studies under a teacher : PUPIL  2a: one who has done advanced 
   study in a special field  2b: a learned person  3: a holder of a 
   scholarship ho studies under a teacher. SCHOLAR stresses enrollment and 
   instruction in a school; PUPIL stresses having a teacher's personal care 
   and oversight; STUDENT commonly applies specifically to one attending a 
   higher institution of learning; DISCIPLE suggests devoted adherence to the 
   teachings and precepts of a master without directly implying either 
   attendance at school or academic discipline SYN syn SCHOLAR, PUPIL, 
   STUDENT, DISCIPLE mean one w