Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. disgrace              
1. dis.hon.or \(')dis-'a:n-*r\ \-'a:n-*r-*r\ n [ME dishonour, fr. OF 
   deshonor, fr. des- + honor] 1: lack or loss of honor or reputation  2: the 
   state of one who has lost honor or prestige : SHAME  3a: a dishonorable 
   thing or action  3b: a cause of disgrace  4: the nonpayment or 
   nonacceptance of commercial paper by the party on whom  it is drawn - 
   dis.hon.or.er n
2. dishonor vt 1a: to deprive of honor  1b: to bring shame on  2: to refuse 
   to accept or pay (as a draft, bill, check, or note)