Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dwarf \'dwo.(*)rf\ \'dwo.(*)rfs\ \'dwo.(*)rvz\ n or dwarfs or dwarves 
   [ME dwerg, dwerf, fr. OE dweorg, dweorh; akin to OHG  pl  often attrib 
   Xtwerg dwarf 1: a person much below the usual in stature  2: an animal or 
   plant much below normal size  3: a small legendary manlike being usu. 
   misshapen and ugly and skilled as a n artificer 4: a star (as the sun) of 
   ordinary or low luminosity and relatively small m ass and size - dwarf.ness 
2. dwarf \'dwo.r-fish\ vt 1: to make into a dwarf  2: to stunt the 
   intellectual or moral development of  3: to cause to appear smaller  : to 
   become smaller  - dwarf.ish aj