1. star \'sta:r\ \-l*s\ \\ n [ME sterre, fr. OE steorra; akin to OHG
sterno star, L ste]lla, Gk aste-r, astron 1a: any natural luminous body
visible in the sky esp. at night 1b: a self-luminous gaseous celestial
body of great mass whose shape is usu . spheroidal and whose size may be as
small as the earth or larger than the earth's orbit 2a1: a planet or a
configuration of the planets that in astrology influence one's destiny or
fortune - usu. used in pl. 2a2: a waxing or waning fortune or fame obs
2b: DESTINY 3a: a conventional figure with five or more points that
represents a star; esp : ASTERISK 3b: an often star-shaped ornament or
medal worn as a badge of honor, author ity, or rank, or as the insignia of
an order 4: something resembling a star 5a: the principal member of a
theatrical or operatic company who usu. plays the chief roles 5b: a highly
publicized theatrical or motion-picture performer 5c: an outstandingly
talented performer - star.less aj
2. star vb or starred; or star.ring 1: to sprinkle or adorn with stars
2a: to mark with an asterisk 3: to present in the role of a star 1: to
play the most prominent or important role 2: to perform outstandingly
3. star aj 1: of, relating to, or being a star 2: being of outstanding
excellence : PREEMINENT