Webster's English Dictionary

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1. po.lice \p*-'le-s\ n or police [MF, fr. LL politia, fr. Gk politeia, fr. 
   politeuein to be a] pl citizen, engage in political activity, fr. polite-s 
   citizen, fr. polis city, state; akin to Skt pur city 1a: the internal 
   organization or regulation of a political unit through exe rcise of 
   governmental powers esp. with respect to general comfort, health, morals, 
   safety, or prosperity 1b: control and regulation of affairs affecting the 
   general order and welfa re of any unit or area 1c: the system of laws for 
   effecting such control  2a: the department of government concerned 
   primarily with maintenance of pu blic order, safety, and health and 
   enforcement of laws and possessing executive, judicial, and legislative 
   powers 2b: the department of government charged with prevention, detection, 
   and pr osecution of public nuisances and crimes 3a: POLICE FORCE  pl  3b: 
   POLICEMEN  4a: a private organization resembling a police force  pl  4b: 
   the members of such an organization  5a: the action or process of cleaning 
   and putting in order  5b: military personnel detailed to perform this 
2. police vt archaic  1: GOVERN  2: to control, regulate, or keep in order 
   by use of police  3: to make clean and put in order  4a: to supervise the 
   operation, execution, or administration of to prevent  or detect and 
   prosecute violations of rules and regulations 4b: to exercise such 
   supervision over the policies and activities of  5: to perform the 
   functions of a police force in or over