Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. gift                  
tal.ent \'tal-*nt\ \-*n-t*d\ n [ME, fr. OE talente, fr. L talenta, pl. of 
   talentum unit of w]eight or money, fr. Gk talanton; akin to L tollere to 
   lift up; in senses 2-5, fr. the parable of the talents in Mt 25:14-30 - 
   more at TOLERATE 1a: any of several ancient units of weight (as a unit of 
   Palestine and Syri a equal to 3000 shekels or a Greek unit equal to 6000 
   drachmas) 1b: a unit of value equal to the value of a talent of gold or 
   silver  archaic  2: a characteristic feature, aptitude, or disposition of a 
   person or animal  3: the natural endowments of a person  4a: a special 
   often creative or artistic aptitude  4b: general intelligence or mental 
   power : ABILITY  5: a person of talent or a group of persons of talent in a 
   field or activit y - tal.ent.ed aj