Webster's English Dictionary

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  1. occurrence            
ep.i.sode \'ep-*-.so-d\ \.ep-*-'sa:d-ik\ \-i-k*l\ \-i-k(*-)le-\ n [Gk 
   epeisodion, fr. neut. of epeisodios coming in besides, fr. e]pi- + eisodios 
   coming in, fr. eis into (akin to Gk en in) + hodos road, journey - more at 
   IN, CEDE 1: a usu. brief unit of action in a dramatic or literary work : as 
    1a: the part of an ancient Greek tragedy between two choric songs  1b: a 
   developed situation that is integral to but separable from a continuo us 
   narrative : INCIDENT 1c: one of a series of loosely connected stories or 
   scenes  1d: the part of a serial presented at one performance  2: an event 
   that is distinctive and separate although part of a larger seri es 3: a 
   digressive subdivision in a musical composition  adv  - episodic