Webster's English Dictionary

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1. va.por \'va--p*r\ n [ME vapour, fr. MF vapeur, fr. L vapor steam, vapor 
   - more]at COVET 1: diffused matter (as smoke or fog) suspended floating in 
   the air and impa iring its transparency 2a: a substance in the gaseous 
   state as distinguished from the liquid or so lid state 2b: a substance (as 
   gasoline, alcohol, mercury, or benzoin) vaporized for i ndustrial, 
   therapeutic, or military uses; also : a mixture (as the explosive mixture 
   in an internal-combustion engine) of such a vapor with air 3a: something 
   unsubstantial or transitory : PHANTASM  3b: a foolish or fanciful idea  pl  
   archaic  4a: exhalations of bodily organs (as the stomach) held to affect 
   the physic al or mental condition 4b: a depressed or hysterical nervous 
2. vapor \-p(*-)rin\ \-p*r-*r\ vi or va.por.ing 1a: to rise or pass off in 
   vapor  1b: to emit vapor  2: to indulge in bragging, blustering, or idle 
   talk  - va.por.er n