Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. gift                  
fac.ul.ty \'fak-*l-te-\ n [ME faculte, fr. MF faculte`, fr. ML & L; ML 
   facultat-, f]acultas branch of learning or teaching, fr. L, ability, 
   abundance, fr. facilis facile 1: ABILITY, POWER : as  1a1: personal 
   capacity  1a2: a natural aptitude  1b: a physical power or function  1c: 
   one of the powers of the mind formerly held by psychologists to form a  
   basis for the explanation of all mental phenomena 2a: a branch of teaching 
   or learning in an educational institution  archaic  2b: something in which 
   one is trained or qualified  3a: the members of a profession  3b: the 
   teaching and administrative staff and those members of the administ ration 
   having academic rank in an educational institution 4: power, authority, or 
   prerogative given or conferred