Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. tire                  
1. fa.tigue \f*-'te-g\ n [F, fr. MF, fr. fatiguer to fatigue, fr. L 
   fatigare; akin to L afXfatim sufficiently and prob. to L fames hunger 1a1: 
   weariness from labor or exertion  1a2: nervous exhaustion  1b: the 
   temporary loss of power to respond induced in a sensory receptor or  motor 
   end organ by continued stimulation 2a: LABOR  2b: manual or menial work 
   performed by military personnel  pl  2c: the uniform or work clothing worn 
   on fatigue and in the field  3: the tendency of a material to break under 
   repeated stress 
2. fatigue vt 1: to weary with labor or exertion  2: to induce a condition 
   of fatigue in  : to suffer fatigue