Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tire \'ti-(*)r\ vb [ME tyren, fr. OE te-orian, ty-rian] : to become 
   weary  1: to exhaust or greatly decrease the physical strength of : 
   FATIGUE)M 2: to wear out the patience of : bore completelyMFAG mean to make 
   or become unable or unwilling to continue. TIRE implies a draining of one's 
   strength or patience; WEARY stresses tiring until one is unable to endure 
   more of the same thing; FATIGUE suggests causing great lassitude through 
   excessive strain or undue effort; EXHAUST implies complete draining of 
   strength by hard exertion; JADE suggests the loss of all freshness and 
   eagerness; FAG implies a drooping with fatigue SYN syn TIRE, WEARY, 
2. tire n [ME, short for attire] obs  1: ATTIRE  2: a woman's headband or 
   hair ornament 
3. tire vt obs  1: ATTIRE  2: to dress (the hair) 
4. tire n [ME, prob. fr. 2tire] 1: a metal hoop forming the tread of a 
   wheel  2a: a continuous solid or pneumatic rubber cushion encircling a 
   wheel usu.  consisting when pneumatic of an external rubber-and-fabric 
   covering containing and protecting from injury an air-filled inner tube 2b: 
   the external rubber-and-fabric covering of a pneumatic tire