Webster's English Dictionary

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1. mo.tor \'mo-t-*r\ n [L, fr. motus, pp. of move-re to move] 1: one that 
   imparts motion  2a: PRIME MOVER  2b: a small compact engine  2c: 
   INTERNAL-COMBUSTION ENGINE; esp : a gasoline engine  3: MOTOR VEHICLE; esp 
   : AUTOMOBILE  4: a rotating machine that transforms electrical energy into 
   mechanical ene rgy
2. motor aj 1a: causing or imparting motion  1b: of, relating to, or being 
   a nerve or nerve fiber that passes from the  central nervous system or a 
   ganglion to a muscle and conducts an impulse that causes movement 1c: of, 
   relating to, or involving muscular movement  2a: equipped with or driven by 
   a motor  2b: of, in, or relating to an automobile  2c: designed for motor 
   vehicles or motorists 
3. motor vi : to travel by automobile : DRIVE to transport by automobile