Webster's English Dictionary

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1. flut.ter \'fl*t-*r\ \-*r-*r\ \-*-re-\ vb [ME floteren to float, flutter, 
   fr. OE floterian, freq. of floti]an to float; akin to OE fle-otan to float 
   - more at FLEET 1: to flap the wings rapidly  2a: to move with quick 
   wavering or flapping motions  2b: to vibrate in irregular spasms  3: to 
   move about or behave in an agitated aimless manner  : to cause to flutter  
   - flut.ter.er n
2. flutter n 1: an act of fluttering  2a: a state of nervous confusion or 
   excitement  2b: FLURRY, COMMOTION  2c: abnormal spasmodic fluttering of a 
   body part  3a: a distortion in reproduced sound similar to but of a higher 
   pitch than  wow 3b: fluctuation in the brightness of a television image  4: 
   an unwanted oscillation set up by natural forces